Student Staff Positions


Thrive Center’s mission is to advance a community where students successfully navigate through, excel in, and graduate from the University of Arizona prepared for life after college. We hire student staff each year for our academic year positions to support students participating in our programs. Learn more about our open positions by clicking through the job descriptions below. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at

All positions are for the full academic year: August 14, 2025 through May 7, 2026. We do not hire students who are only able to work one semester. 


Thrive Center employs student employees as Peer Mentors, Peer Educators and Student Assistants who clock over 2,500 hours of direct student contact throughout the year.  Please review the list of job descriptions below to see which positions fit your interests and use the link at the bottom of the page to submit your application.


To be eligible for a position in the Thrive Center, you must have completed at least one semester of coursework before fall 2025, but two semesters of completed coursework is preferred, AND you must have a 2.5 cumulative GPA or higher from the University of Arizona by the end of the spring 2025 semester. You are also expected to maintain a 2.5 GPA or higher during your employment with Thrive Center. 

We prefer to hire students with federal work-study, but if you do not have work-study, or are not eligible to apply for federal financial aid, you are still eligible to earn a position.


$15.50/hr | up to 15hrs per week

All Thrive Center positions pay $15.50 per hour and are for up to 15 hours per week for the academic year.


If you have a question, please contact the Thrive Hiring Committee at


Our application process is simple.  Just answer the questions in our online application, and upload a resume to complete your application.  Then hit submit.

For many of you, this application will be your first time applying for work.  Excellent!  If you have never created a resume, the office of Student Engagement & Career Development offers a number of resources like free templates and how to guides as well as in-person resume consultations at the Life Lab.

Our application will open in June. If you would like to receive an email invitation to apply directly from us, please complete our interest form.


As part of your application, you will sign up for an interview.  We will provide you with additional details and guidelines to help you prepare. Whether this is your first time interviewing or not, we highly recommend reviewing the resources available to you as a student through Student Engagement & Career Development. Resources include interview tutorials and the opportunity to practice in the comfort of a location of your choosing via Big Interview.


Since many students are not on campus during the summer, our interviews are conducted via Zoom. Interviews will occur during the month of July. These will be held in a multiple mini-interview (MMI) format. You will meet individually with one professional staff member and rotate three times in the span of 30 minutes. It is highly recommended that you arrive 15 minutes before your session starts so you can connect and receive the quick interview overview. Interviews will start on time.

Fall 2024 Positions

06/16/2025Application opens and reviews begin
07/05/2025Application closes
Mid to late July

Individual Interviews

Exact dates TBD

Late JulyDecisions sent to all applicants


Fall 2025
Thrive Center student staff training will be August 14-15, 2025 (asynchronously), and August 18-20, 2025 (in-person), generally from 9:00AM to 4:00PM. Attendance at training is required for all days.

All student and graduate student positions in Thrive Center, except New Start positions, are funded by your Student Services Fees. This means these positions, and the programs they support are examples of your Student Services Fees in action!  

Thrive Center believes deeply in maximizing the funds we receive to fund student positions that help students develop important career skills while also providing a benefit to their peers and the broader campus. Obtain the full benefit of the fees you pay by applying to work with Thrive Center and encouraging your peers to take advantage of our services.

Apply to be a Board Member

Like working in Thrive Center, serving as a board member on the Student Services Fee (SSF) Board is an excellent opportunity to expand your skill set while playing a key role in determining how student fees are allocated. You can apply through the Board's website.


All the positions below begin in August 2025 and will run for the entirety of the 2025-2026 academic year (ending May 7, 2026). See individual position tab for a full job description. Use the link below to apply.


Peer Mentor, First Year

ACADEMIC YEAR - Work starts August 14, 2025

We have multiple peer mentor positions available within the Thrive Mentoring Program. Peer mentors, depending on years at UArizona and their experiences, will either be focusing on the first-year or second-year + student support.  

First-year component peer mentors meet with their student caseload of students at a biweekly rate for an individual meeting (Total of 6 meetings for the semester) and help facilitate group discussions in the fall and biweekly workshops in the spring.

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Peer Mentor, Second Year+

ACADEMIC YEAR - Work starts August 14, 2025

We have multiple peer mentor positions available within Thrive Peer Mentoring. Peer mentors, depending on years at UArizona and their experiences, will either be focusing on the first-year or second-year + student support.  

Second-year component peer mentors meet with their student caseload at a monthly rate for an individual meeting (total of 3 for the semester) and facilitate one workshop every month (total of 3 for the semester).

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Front Desk Student Assistant

ACADEMIC YEAR - Work starts August 14, 2025

The front desk student assistants provide outstanding customer service to all Thrive Center visitors. Student assistants are responsible for opening and closing the office, answering the Thrive Center phone line, helping visitors navigate the office, and assisting professional staff members with miscellaneous tasks and projects.

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Social Media Student Assistant

FULL YEAR - Starts June 2025

The student assistant for social media is expected to work with the student assistant for digital content to creatively market and promote the programs and services offered by Thrive Center. Projects will include, but are not limited to, the creation of videos, posts, taking pictures, attending Thrive events and posting about the events. This will sometimes include appearing in and voicing over videos.

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